Gartner has defined CRIF as a global provider of credit bureau scoring and loan origination models in the retail and business segments. With end-to-end technology and functionality, CRIF is one of the few suppliers to support all credit products. It is platform & database independent and therefore able to provide services according to the SaaS model (Software as a service - application software distribution model).
CRIF is the only one of the 17 companies analyzed by CEB Tower Group to be evaluated as best-in-class in all categories, with one of the broadest ranges of functionality and skills on the market.
Forrester defined CRIF as:
-Expert in Financial Services
-Provider of Vertical Smart Process Applications
-Leading provider with a suite of decision support and business process management solutions
-Innovative: enhances business tools and automates entire financial processes, facilitating benefit quantification
CRIF has been recognized as one of the most innovative players in technologies for financial services.