Context: why choose CRIF?

Real estate properties are responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions. The significance of the property sector is fundamental to achieving EU targets in terms of sustainability and economic transition.

Since the mid-2010s, CRIF has built up unparalleled experience through active participation in several EU Commission projects and working groups (e.g., Energy Efficient Mortgage Initiative), being a member of the Green Building Council, and developing a wide range of solutions and consulting services for financial institutions, corporates and natural persons, linking specific property features, Sustainable Development Goals and ESG factors.

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Solution details

Business People 27 400

Technical support for tax credit accrual and sale

CRIF provides technical assistance to financial institutions, corporates and consumers aimed the accrual and sale of tax credits after the energy upgrading of properties.

Supporting Green Bond Issuance

EPC (Energy Property Certificate) data remediation and provision of documentation for investors (e.g., technical reports) to support Green (Covered) Bond issuance.

Business People 42 400
Business People 41 400

Estimating climate and environmental risks

CRIF defines physical risk indicators to estimate climate-related and environmental risks associated with individual properties, something that has become increasingly relevant in dealing with climate change risk. Such indicators can be considered along with the “traditional” value of real estate assets.

Key benefits

Risk management

With information on energy performance and physical risks, lenders have a comprehensive outlook of the collateral’s risk profile.

End-to-end service

Services on property incentives, on the acquisition of tax credits and activities related to green covered bond issuance are fully covered with a one-stop-shop service.


In the case of tax credit acquisition, CRIF verifies the validity of the credit through a rigorous and independent control process.

Customer care

When interacting with the end customer, CRIF puts in place the highest quality standards in order to improve the end user experience and the good reputation of the bank.

CREDEM and CRIF close to customer needs supporting State bonuses

At the end of 2020, CREDEM launched the offer called ECOBON on the market, which collects the services related to the 110% State bonus and other tax bonuses for the renovation and energy redevelopment of homes. ECOBON is one of the initiatives consistent with the “Wellbanking” stream that the bank is currently pursuing. This neologism summarizes the promise to work, operate, generate projects and products aimed at creating financial and life well-being for customers, employees and the community around us.

"We chose to use CRIF as a technical partner for the ECOBON service as a leading Italian operator in the real estate services sector to support the banking business. Furthermore, a reliable partner was needed for the asseverative activity, given the importance that this plays a role in the eco-bonus process. A widespread presence was therefore needed, and also in this sense CRIF offered this guarantee "- explains Maurizio Giglioli, Central Vice President and Strategic Marketing Director of CREDEM.

CRIF and Banco BPM: together in the development of the Green Covered Bond project

CLIENT: The Banco BPM Group is the result of the merger between two historical major banks, Banco Popolare and Banca Popolare di Milano. The experience gained by both these banks enables us to offer state-of-the-art solutions to individuals and businesses, thanks to a widespread distribution network and an increasingly innovative multi-channel approach.

Banco BPM was one of the first Italian banks to offer green products to its customers, participating in the European EeMAP project for the definition of a green mortgage from which a specific product for private customers originated. Together with this, a product was then created for the energy requalification of condominiums. On the other hand, from the point of view of the finance of funding in the markets, the bank has published an ESG framework for the financing of projects with an environmental and social impact.

"CRIF was fundamental from the beginning [...], it provided us with an analysis regarding the Italian energy efficiency market and helped us identify the top 15% of sustainable buildings. This is because the legislation and market practice provide that those mortgages that have been granted for the purchase of buildings that fall within that 15% can be considered green. We then issued a Green Covered Bond refinancing a portfolio of green mortgages and this was only possible thanks to the support of CRIF, which helped us by making a remediation, a recovery of energy efficiency data of the buildings in our stock. This allowed us to identify a portfolio of more than one billion green mortgages, based on highly appreciated criteria, which was presented and appreciated by European investors. "

Daniela Antonini, Funding and Capital Management & Contact person for sustainable finance of Banco BPM.

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